Letter: Reclamation work must follow procedure

Letter: Reclamation work must follow procedure

Letter: DAP Sabah reminds local authorities to follow the rules, regulations and by-laws relating to development in urban rating areas. We are concerned of the haphazard development that is taking place in many urban areas in Sabah.

Letter by DAP Sabah

DAP Sabah reminds local authorities to follow the rules, regulations and by-laws relating to development in urban rating areas. We are concerned of the haphazard development that is taking place in many urban areas in Sabah.

For example, the rapid urbanisation in Kepayan has caused massive flooding problem due to the poor drainage system.

The road network which is not upgraded in line with the construction of more shoppings and housing estates is unable to handle the influx of vehicles causing and adding to the already poor traffic flow.

In Kg Dabak Penampang, the on-going land filling and reclamation is causing sleepless night for many residents especially when there is heavy rainfall.

This is understandable because prior to this reclamation the whole village is under water when there is sustained heavy rain and made worse by an overflow from the nearby Moyog river. The reclamation on a 2-acre land which is much higher than the road and surrounding area will definitely aggravate the flooding problem for the more than 50 houses and families surrounding the site.

One resident Edward Balanjiu who is directly affected by the reclamation work came to seek assistance from DAP Sabah Secretary-cum- DAP Penampang Chief Dr Edwin Bosi and made a site inspection visit.

According to Edward he informed the Chairman of the Kg Dabak Security and Development Committee Mr Severin Wong through a letter in May 2010 concerning the land filling and reclamation work next to his house.

His case was forwarded to the Penampang District Officer to request for a site inspection and investigation into this matter.

Mr Edward wrote in November 2010 to remind Mr Severin Wong that six months had passed without any action from the authority. His worries continue to pile and build up as the filling and reclamation work continued without any proper drainage in place.

DAP Sabah reiterates that Edward is not against development but it must be done according to proper procedure. DAP Sabah calls on the District Officer to quickly make a site inspection and also talk with the affected residents. As flooding is the main concern Edward feels that the developer should prepare a good drain before commencing on the land filling and reclamation work.

The District Officer must also look into the height of the filling and reclamation work, he added.