RoboFair 2010 is back!
Introducing latest inventions!

Date : 4 December 2010 – 5 December 2010
Venue : Shah Alam Convention Centre
Website :

Robotics Exhibition
This is the main activity for Robofair 2010. Exhibits from both local and international industries in diverse fields will be brought over to provide strategic focus in the development of research, its implementations and advancement of robots. The diverse fields and groups to be involved in this national event are, among others, the education sector, defence, healthcare, entertainment, communications, services, manufacturing, information technology, medicine, toys, magazines, and among hobbyists.

It is a technique of dance that incorporates the movement of robots. Each sequence of dance will start and conclude finishing with a lock to give an impression of motors starting and stopping. This provides the perspective of how robots are tuned to perform. It also refers to the technique of imitating a humanoid robot.

(International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering)
Based on the success of ICAME2009, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, Shah Alam, is organising the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering or ICAME2010 from 2 to 5 December 2010. The ICAME2010 will be held in conjunction with the ROBOFAIR2010 that will be held at the same venue from 4 to 5 December 2010. This unique collaboration is expected to attract more participants locally and abroad. At the same time it will give extra impact to the conference and promote UiTM as a successful international event organiser. For more details of the programme, invited speakers, call for papers, submission of papers and other information please log on to

RoboBattle is a robotics programming game that challenges participants to design and devise adaptable battling robots. RoboBattle is a unique and challenging competition because it develops strategies by taking into account the reflexes, accuracy and timing to succeed. This battle is more towards challenging the teams’ brilliancy. The format of the competition will be designed to suit the Robofair’s theme thus drawing overall viewer attention.

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Do-It-Yourself Workshop
This activity is an avenue to encourage youngsters to explore the steps in assembling a robot. This is also an opportune time for them to learn the various parts of robots. They will be exposed to the basic concepts of robotics during this workshop thus enabling them to understand what robots are and its functions.

Screening Session (RoboSight)
The screening allows everyone to watch films, documentaries, dramas and snippets that showcase robotic technologies, and inspire the visitors to be more attracted in the development of robotics. The public will also be the first to catch a glimpse of the exclusive trailer of Aziz M. Osman’s direction of the first local robot movie CE1.

The Robotic Trail
This treasure hunt that has a similar concept to the successful Explorace show is intended to stimulate active participation and forge closer ties among family members when they take part in its various challenging tasks including solving problems, finding hidden clues and following the right trail.

Robot Demonstration (RoboTouch)
Exhibitors with invaluable expertise in robotics will be invited to demonstrate the assembling of robots, handle-manoeuvre the movements and showcase its high-performance characteristics.

Cybernetic Costume Appearance
Cybernetic Costume Appearance originates from Japan where youths and teenagers have the opportunity to watch favourite anime, manga, sci-fi/fantasy, and video game characters who appear in their respective costumes. The audience will be able to view Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Noble 6 in person and snap pictures of their popular characters.

Largest Assembly of RoboAnimals
(An attempts to enter the Guinness World Records)
Last year, the organiser of Robofair succeeded in entering the Malaysia Book of Records to stage the biggest assembly of Robopets in the country. At this year’s Robofair 2010, it is the resolve of the organiser to make it to the Guinness World Records by breaking the past assembly of 307 RoboPets.

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Segway Polo
Segway is conceptualised after horse polo, but instead of riding on a horseback the riders will be on Segway, the human transporter. Polo is a sport used to be enjoyed by royalties all along where it has a four-member team to compete. Segway Polo is reflective of this sport, but of course from a different perspective altogether. Of course, an exhilarating moment is only predictable.

Appearance of Robotic Dugong
Another challenging attempt in order to enter the Malaysia Book of Records is to construct the Dugong Robot, the first mechanical fish robot in the country. It takes a year to complete this task and will soon be a valued attraction at the National Science Centre.

Robotic Fashion Show
Fashionable wear to commemorate the advancement of robotics is not ignored either. In fact, it is trendy to be able to design apparels on such theme and students undergoing studies in fashion will be competing among each other to grab awards in innovation and creativity. This provides an avenue of advancing their talents and potentials amidst a healthy competition.

Colouring Contest
This activity is targeted to make children aware of all things robotic, thus paving a way for the younger generation to be in tune to its technological development. This activity also provides opportunities for children to express themselves in a fun way while attractive prizes await them.

Segway Ride
This is a not-to-be missed opportunity where the public will be given a chance to ride the Segway human transporter for a small token. This is touted to be an exciting event targeted to attract energetic teenagers and young adults.