KTMB trains to operate from JB Sentral

KTMB trains to operate from JB Sentral

All Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) inter-city trains will start operating from JB Sentral from Thursday.

All Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) inter-city trains will start operating from JB Sentral from Thursday.

A statement from KTMB said today the existing train station here, which was opened in 1932, would be closed on the same day and would be converted into a mini museum for KTMB, southern region.

“The move to JB Sentral will provide more comfort to train users as it has a wider space and modern facilities.

“The new station can accommodate up to 2,500 passengers daily compared to only 500 at the former station,” the statement said.

– Bernama