Gotong royong with section 5 RA committee this saturday

Gotong royong with section 5 RA committee this saturday

This Saturday , June 05 , the Section 5 Residents Association Committee and any available volunteers will get together to improve our environment and facilities.

We will be:

CLEARING – illegal Signs on Poles and Trees

COLLECTING – old PCs and TVs for Recycling

BEAUTIFYING – the RA5 Cabin and Grounds Next to Raju’s Restaurant, Jalan Chantek

You can help us improve section 5.

Spare 2 hours. Donate any plants and flowers.Do you have any staff, maids or gardeners? Do you have an ‘open’ lorry  (for the sign dismantling)?

If you can help with any of the requests above please contact:-

Johan Tung bin Abdullah – 019 668 2198, Joyrama Appusamy – 012 2000507 ( tree pruning ), Rafiq Fazaldin – 019 2243533 ( removal of illegal buntings ), Tony Heneberry – 012 267 3881 ( PC and TV recycling )

See also  Chipt launches ASEAN’s first returnable cup program

Or just turn up and join us….10.30am, on Saturday 5th June at the RA5 Cabin, Jalan Chantek.