Untarred roads for over 10 years

Untarred roads for over 10 years

Since the 1993 General Elections, the roads have not been tarred in SS3. As such, most of the roads are in disrepair.

Since the 1993 General Elections, the roads have not been tarred in SS3. As such, most of the roads are in disrepair. There’s holes everywhere, the surfaces are rough and uneven, and it’s very dangerous for anyone to walk and trip, much less cycle in the area.

“Richer” neighbourhoods like SS3/72 to SS3/80 have had their roads tarred from time to time, but are now seeing signs of neglect. However, the SS3/1, SS3/16-24 roads have not been touched for many a year. Even when the humps were erected in certain parts of SS3, there were no efforts made to tar the roads.

The only time we ever hear of people coming to tar the road is when they tar Jalan Majlis. Then the contractors will come up to you and ask if you want the road coming up to the porch to be tarred. But will they actually tar the road itself? No.

Submitted by Angela