Young people unaware of the dangers of high sugar intake

Young people unaware of the dangers of high sugar intake

People here especially the young seem less concerned about health in general, especially when it comes to controlling their sugar intake.

by Muhammad Afiq Mohd Asri

People here especially the young seem less concerned about health in general, especially when it comes to controlling their sugar intake.

Despite the repeated advice given by the Health Ministry on the dangers of high sugar intake, they do not seem to be bothered about the harm they are doing to themselves by consuming so much sugar.

A secondary school teacher here, Muniammiah S. Saminathan, 49, said youths do not take the problem seriously thinking sugar-related diseases such as diabetes would not affect them at such age.

Another secondary school teacher, Norizan Daud, 57, said the problem was also due to the working lifestyle of parents today, thus leaving mothers with little room to provide a nutritious meal for their families.

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The Health Ministry in a newspaper report yesterday suggested that sugar intake should be limited to eight grames per 100 millilitres of fluids.

– Bernama