Shahidan: Perlis River needs to be widened to manage floods

Shahidan: Perlis River needs to be widened to manage floods

The Perlis River, which flows from Kangar to Kuala Perlis, needs to be deepened and widened to overcome flooding, said Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Dr Shahidan Kassim.

The Perlis River, which flows from Kangar to Kuala Perlis, needs to be deepened and widened to overcome flooding, said Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Dr Shahidan Kassim.

He said the 11-kilometre long river had become narrower and shallower which had hindered its flow during a heavy downpour.

“Although the width of the Perlis River is 70 metres, when the water subsides, the width is reduced to only 30 metres,” he told reporters during the visit to the river, yesterday.

Therefore, Shahidan suggested that the riverbanks on both sides should be raised to prevent overflows during heavy downpours.

“There are also development projects carried out at the estuary of the river which was not referred to the Drainage and Irrigation Department (JPS), thus causing blockage,” said the Tambun Tulang state assemblyman.

He said that each developer should consult the JPS for technical advice in order to ensure smooth water flow to the sea.

“I will also suggest to the NCER on the infrastructure requirements as the catchment area of the Perlis River involves 500 kilometres square,” he said.

He also hoped the state government would no longer create shortcuts to block water flow that could cause floods in several areas in the state.

– Bernama