Young savant artist captures hearts

GEORGETOWN – Delwin Cheah, a savant autistic artist launched his first solo exhibition which drew many art lovers from near and far. [VIDEO]

Delwin Cheah, a savant autistic artist launched his first solo exhibition which drew many art lovers from near and far.

Delwin was diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome with an IQ score of 114 which was above average.

He was a late talker and continues to have difficulties with expressive communication and social skills.

Although his family is bilingual, Delwin speaks in English with an American accent.

Delwin started to draw at the age of three. His first drawings were of zebras, which he drew continually for months.

He has a passion for animals and soon after, began drawing lions, giraffes, wilder-beasts and many other animals not apparent in Asia.

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More recently he has begun to draw dinosaurs as well.

With regard to animals and dinosaurs he possesses excellent recall and knowledge of facts such as names, characteristics, shapes, and his perspective when drawing them is largely phenomenal.

Delwin usually draws in ink and sometimes also uses colored pencils.

He draws on the spot without ever drawing an outline first and he never erases. He often completes a drawing within 3 – 5 minutes.

The exhibition started on the 2nd of Feb and will end on the 28th Feb 2013.


Jimmy Leow Beng Hock