Government Transformation Plan has yielded results, says Koh

Government Transformation Plan has yielded results, says Koh

The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) launched last January, has yielded positive results through various initiatives under the six National Key Result Areas (NKRA).

The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) launched last January, has yielded positive results through various
initiatives under the six National Key Result Areas (NKRA).

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Koh Tsu Koon said the GTP had achieved encouraging results based on improvement, change and reform in the public service, economy and administration of the country.

“For example, under the NKRA, development in rural infrastructure has surpassed the 100 percent target last year in areas of building roads in rural areas, providing electricity and clean water to households,” he said in reply to Lilah Yasin (BN-Jempol) in Dewan Rakyat today.

Koh said the estimated 72 percent target for enrolment in pre-schools had been achieved by setting up 1,800 pre-school centres that cater for 55,000 children.

“The achievement of primary school children in ‘numeracy’ and ‘literacy’ is 101 percent and 94 percent respectively, ‘composite scoring’ was 99 percent despite using only 48 percent of the RM245 million allocated,” he said.

Koh said the perception of the people towards the police had also increased to 58 percent compared with the 36 percent targeted while the fear of crime among the people dropped from 59 to 53 percent.

Crime rate index has been reduced by 15 percent while street crimes index was reduced by 35 percent, far better than the five and 15 percent targeted.

“This was possible with the stationing of 30,000 police personnel, the mobilization of RELA and Voluntary Patrol Scheme under the Rukun Tetangga programme, without additional or new intake,” he said.

The six NKRA are reducing crime, fighting corruption, expanding access to quality and affordable education, improving the living standards of the people, improving infrastructure in rural and remote areas and improving public

– Bernama