Seremban nun attacker indentified on camera

SEREMBAN – The CCTV of the Church of Visitation had captured some images of a man who appears to be the one who had assaulted the two Catholic nuns in front of the church.


The CCTV of the Church of Visitation had captured some images of a man who appears to be the one who had assaulted the two Catholic nuns in front of the church.

“Based on CCTV images had shown a motorcyclist which made a U-turn at 6.05am and rode into Gate 2 just a minute after the sisters had arrived,” said parish priest Father John Gnanapiragasam.

2 of the 13 church’s CCTVs had captured this image.

“The two muggers had their helmets on and held a lighted torch and started chasing the two sisters.

“He then fled on his motorcycle about two minutes later,” he stated.

Sisters Julianna Lim, 69, and Marie Rose alias Theresa Teng, 79, were brutally assaulted with a helmet.

Lim, who bore the impact of the attack, is now dependant on life support admitted at Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital. Meanwhile Marie Rose has been discharged.

Gnanapiragasam had pleaded for a police pondok on Sunday particularly because of the numerous attacks near the church.

“Apart from morning masses, the church holds about 5,000 adorers for five masses from 6.30am to 1pm on Sundays.

“We trust that a police pondok will be set up so that morning patrols are done every Sunday,” he said.

The incident took place on a Sunday morning when two guys had attacked the nuns earlier this week.


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Gana Prakash

Gana joined Citizen Journal in 2013. He knows everything that makes user generated content ticks. Trained as an electrical engineer, Gana is also a stand up comedian and Liverpool die hard.