UiTM law student is now Asia’s top debater

KUALA LUMPUR – A final year law student from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) became the top debater at the recent United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) which was held in Singapore.


A final year law student from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) became the top debater at the recent United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) which was held in Singapore.

Maizura Mokhsein, 23, was also the first Malaysian to accept the honour in this prominent contest.

She had defeated 350 participants from universities across Asia during the 9 day contest held from 25 May till 2 June at Nanyang Technology University in Singapore.


“It’s amazing. It felt awesome when I saw how happy all of my friends were when I lifted the trophy. The best part is having all the competitors and people i adore congratulate me,” she said.

The championship is Asia’s biggest and most prestigious competition. It is based on the Asian Parliamentary format, which places three teams against each other. It also provides definitive ranking for all debaters who participated.

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120 teams took part in this year’s championship.

She had scored top points in all eight preliminary rounds.

She had won 13 national trophies in six years. She is also a well known name in international debate tournaments.


Even though she will be lacing up her boots this year, she is happy ending it on a high note after building up an extraordinary debating resume.

“Through experience gathered, I’ve learnt to be more receptive towards ideas. I’ve also learnt to go against ideas that people follow on blindly,” she said.

“I had absolutely nothing to lose in joining debates. In a way, it moulded my mind and life,” she added.

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Rodney Zachary