Santa Claus brings gifts of joy to underprivileged kids

KUALA LUMPUR – The children could not contain their excitement and joy when the volunteers arrived at the homes with a myriad of colourfully-wrapped presents

Santa Claus comes a-knocking at the doors of three charity homes bearing gifts for the young residents this Christmas.

Organised by the Curve, volunteers from the shopping mall’s management team “play Santa” to 69 children from Persatuan Rumah Kanak-kanak Ini Disayangi (KIDS), Angels Children’s Home and Home of Peace in the Klang valley.

The children could not contain their excitement and joy when the volunteers arrived at the homes with a myriad of colourfully-wrapped presents in all shapes and sizes. From toys, sports equipment, books, accessories, and more, the gleeful atmosphere only heightened as each child opened with astonishment and excitement to discover their presents that they had wished for Christmas.

“Giving back to society especially during the festive season has been a tradition that comes from our corporate social responsibility. We want to make sure that the less fortunate will still have a chance to share in the joy, warmth and the festive spirit of the holiday season. Our visit to bring gifts and joy to these kids today and seeing the smiles on their faces is more than worth it. We are grateful that we are able to give them a happy Christmas celebration,” said the Curve general manager Jazmi Kamarudin.

Santa brings gifts and joy to the young residents of Angels Children’s Home.

The visits were the culmination of the mall’s month-long Christmas charity initiative as part of it’s Christmas campaign, All I Want for Christmas. Throughout December, the Curve had set up a Wishing Tree containing the children’s Christmas wishes. Visitors to the Curve were invited to help grant all of the wishes on the Tree by purchasing the desired gift.

“The generosity, kindness and support of our patrons are deeply touching as we saw many contributions made towards this charity initiative. We are glad to know that so many Malaysians are willing to help these young children have a memorable Christmas,” added Jazmi.


The children at Rumah Kanak-kanak Ini Disayangi (KIDS) were delighted to see Santa bearing their Christmas gifts.


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Thomas Tan

Thomas Tan joined CJMY in 2011. At the second annual conference in Johor Bahru, he received the 'Best Article 2011' Award. To date, he has published over 1,000 articles on community events and various topics.