Medical Camp for Orang Asli Kg.Punjut

Medical Camp for Orang Asli Kg.Punjut

Sathya Sai Council Johor and Mari Kita Membaca group organized a health screening camp and gotong-royong at Kg. Punjut, Kahang last Sunday.

Sixty volunteers get together to clean up the tadika and provided various free services such us eye screening, medical check up, distribution of cloths, medical seminar, house repair and setting up a library.

The event mainly was targeted for 327 Orang Asli families who live in 10 villages around the Kg.Punjut area.

R.Vidyananthan, Adun Kahang thanked the organiser on behalf of the villagers and later distributed a dry goods provision for selected poor families.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

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Vijay Kumar