Editorial Policy

At Citizen’s Journal (CJMY), our commitment to integrity, accuracy, and fairness forms the foundation of everything we do. Our editorial policy is designed to uphold the highest standards of journalism while fostering trust with our readers and contributors.


Independence is the cornerstone of Citizen’s Journal. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of impartiality and avoiding any action that knowingly or materially misleads our readers.

Truth and Accuracy

We strive to establish the truth and achieve due accuracy in all our content. Accuracy is not simply about getting facts right; it involves carefully weighing all relevant information to uncover the truth.

  • Content will be well-sourced, based on sound evidence, and thoroughly tested.
  • We will be transparent about what we don’t know and avoid unfounded speculation.


We apply impartiality across all subject matters, ensuring diverse opinions are represented within our output.

  • No significant viewpoint will be knowingly excluded or under-represented.
  • Evidence and material facts will be examined fairly and with an open mind.

Editorial Integrity

Our editorial decisions are made independently, free from external influences or personal interests. Readers can trust that our content is unaffected by political, commercial, or personal pressures.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest that could affect the accuracy, fairness, or independence of our journalism will be disclosed. Journalistic positions will never be used for personal gain.

Public Interest

We prioritize stories that matter to our readers and contribute to the public good.

  • Our reporting is rigorous, well-informed, and authoritative, offering insights into complex issues.
  • We hold public figures and other accountable entities to high standards while fostering public debate.

Revisions and Editing

All contributions are subject to editing for clarity, space, and adherence to CJMY’s house style.

  • Editors reserve the right to request revisions or make necessary edits directly.
  • The editorial team retains the final decision to publish or withhold content.


Our content is guided by principles of fairness, openness, honesty, and respect. Contributors and audiences will be treated with dignity and transparency.


We respect privacy and will only infringe upon it when there is a legitimate public interest that outweighs the right to privacy.

  • Private information, behavior, or correspondence will not be disclosed without clear justification.


We are accountable to our readers, fostering trust through transparency and responsiveness.

  • Mistakes will be openly acknowledged and corrected promptly.
  • We encourage a culture of learning and continuous improvement.

No Gift Policy

CJMY adheres to a strict ‘no gift’ policy. Gifts exceeding RM10 received in the course of work must be declared. These will be auctioned off at a CJMY event, with proceeds donated to charity.