Terengganu Education Department tackles male identity crisis

Terengganu Education Department tackles male identity crisis

The Terengganu Education Department will hold a personality development programme for male students facing identity crisis, its director Razali Daud said.

The programme would guide students with physical personality issues and those who appeared to be lacking in confidence, he said. “I’ve met many students, especially during prize presentations who are unable to carry themselves confidently and appear weak,” he said.

“Although these are capable students, if they cannot exude confidence, it will be difficult for them later to move their careers into a more challenging stage,” he told a get-together with the media here last night.

Razali said the programme would start in May. Students identified for the programme would be given counselling, motivation and guidance to build their personality, he said.

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Meanwhile, he said, the department apprehended 103 students in the “Operasi Ponteng” which was launched to tackle truancies among students in Kuala Nerus and Marang on March 24.

These students would be given counselling and motivation to prevent them from continuing with their unproductive activities, he said. “We gathered the students and called their parents and gave them advise,” he said, adding that the operation would be held from time to time to check on truants.

– Bernama