Bata’s young designers challenge winner inspired by cancer survivor

KUALA LUMPUR – Andrea took her inspiration from someone who survived this illness, not as a means of glorifying the pain but to make it useful for those who are no longer able to look at life positively to defeat this illness.

Shoe giant Bata Malaysia announced this year’s “Bata Young Designers Challenge” during the recently held Bata Fashion Weekend 2018, which took place in Milan’s prestigious Pallazzo Mezzanote. Two new edgy designs the ‘ERICKA’ and ‘AMULET’ are the two winners from the total 11 finalists.

‘ERICKA’, designed by the Italian winner Andrea Celeste Beggio from Politecnico Calzaturiero, was inspired by a 30-year-old Afro-American woman Ericka who in 2013 underwent a double mastectomy and defeated breast cancer.  Ericka still battles every day to convince women who have had similar surgeries that they are still beautiful and sensual despite not representing the beauty standards imposed by society.

Andrea decided to take her inspiration from someone who survived this illness, not as a means of glorifying the pain suffered but trying to make it useful for those who are no longer able to look at life positively and grit needed to defeat this illness.

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Meanwhile, Czech student Tereza Kanyzova from UMPRUM took inspiration from fragments of ancient amulets and nets in her creation of the ‘AMULET’. The concept is based on a research of the history of Czech jewelry, reaching from fragments of ancient amulets to contemporary pieces. The designer works with contrast between matte suede, synthetic net and glossy crystals designing a very elegant shoe, which is also suitable for everyday use.

Amulet was inspired from fragments of ancient amulets and nets based on a research of the history of Czech jewelry

Global Chief Marketing Officer Thomas Archer Bata expressed, “We are so proud to introduce the winners of the second edition of the Young Designers Challenge as it is crucial for us to support young talented designers and try to provide them with the opportunity to succeed on a global scale.”

These students, from Institution Politecnico Calzaturiero Padova and Prague’s Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM), were tasked to design elegant shoes with crystal components off the iconic Czech international glass manufacturer Preciosa. The shoes were then produced in the prominent Italian factory Kallisté.

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The Bata Young Designers Challenge was judged by Thomas Archer Bata, Jana Barbati Chadová, Global Brand Manager Marcos Cánovas, Head of UMPRUM, Fashion and Footwear Design Studio Libena Rochova, CEO & Vice President of Politecnico Calzaturiero Stefano Miotto, and the Kallisté team. The jury focused on creativity and an innovative approach as well as the use of materials, crystal components and the sales appeal of the end product.

The limited edition ‘ERICKA’ and ‘AMULET’, priced at RM699 and RM669 respectively, will be available for purchase at Bata, Suria KLCC from August 1, 2018 onwards, while stocks last. Alternatively, the designer collection can also be purchased online.

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