Sarawak: RM1.86mil compensation for 49.9 hectares

Sarawak: RM1.86mil compensation for 49.9 hectares

A total of 188 landowners in the Bakong sub-district in Baram today received compensation amounting to RM1.86 million from the state government for land acquired for a road project.

A total of 188 landowners in the Bakong sub-district in Baram today received compensation amounting to RM1.86 million from the state government for land acquired for a road project.

The money was handed over to them by Sarawak Assistant Minister of Land Development Sylvester Entri Muran, who is also the Marudi state assemblyman, at a ceremony at the Beluru community hall in the Bakong sub-district, 92km from here.

At the event, Miri Division Land and Survey Superintendent Rozlan Putit said the compensation was for the acquisition of 49.9 hectares for an access road of 65.7 kilometres between the proposed Baram hydroelectric dam and the Miri-Bintulu Road.

“Each of the landowners received between RM1,000 and RM30,000, depending on the size of the land acquired,” he said.

The cooperation from the landowners during the survey work on the land involved had also expedited the task to determine the compensation amount, he added.

Meanwhile, Entri said the compensation was proof of the government’s policy of wanting the people to gain rather than lose from development programmes.

When the government acquired land, it would always be for development purposes that would benefit the people in the long-term, particularly to raise their standard of living, he said.

He said the new road would not only improve the mobility of the people in the area but could lead to more economic activities there.
