12 reasons why your business needs to use SEO

The importance of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is unmeasurable as it increases the visibility of your business and helps take it to the next level. With the right steps, SEO can offer your website permanent results as it helps it grow organically. We have compiled some of the benefits of SEO that are too important to ignore.

Main Source of Website Traffic

Organic traffic is obtained when a user finds your website through the results from a search engine. It is the most sought after traffic as it is free. Organic search plays an integral part in your business by creating a sales funnel and increasing engagement until it is translated into conversion. 

It is important to follow the guidelines set by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others providers. This in return helps your website to stay visible among your target audience and bring in quality traffic to your website.

Establish Authority

An experienced SEO provider will be able to establish a strong foundation for your brand’s website. It starts with quality content that has all the information a user is seeking. A well researched content remains active by being involved in the community. 

On site best practises such as an optimized About and Testimonial page for your website is also part of the process. The right steps will help establish your website as an expert in the industry. Over time this builds credibility and authority for your business.

Visibility for your business

Numerous studies have shown that the first three organic search positions receive almost 40 percent of the clicks. It is important to rank number one for the right keywords to stay ahead of your ever growing competition. 

Competitor research is part of an SEO strategy that provides your business with the right keywords in your industry. Contents with relevant keywords attract your target customer, pushing them deeper into the sales funnel.

The right SEO exposure can generate quality backlinks to your website increasing its visibility. The SEO framework when put into action can help your website climb all the way to the top. 

Cost Effective

SEO is relatively inexpensive compared to other marketing strategies, hence it is an ideal option for the small and medium sized businesses.

Traffic acquired through organic searches delivers higher volume for a smaller amount of investment. This method is inexpensive in comparison with paid searches where each click is paid for.

This results in a higher return of investment (ROI) with a better conversion rate for your brand.

SEO is Quantifiable

An effective marketing strategy allows you to measure its output with proper analytical metrics. SEO is an effective tool in tracking metrics that lets you explore details at the granular level. 

These complete analytics shows you details such as organic traffic, increases in website rankings and lead conversions. You will be able to analyze the demographic information and other engagement metrics of individuals who have visited your website.

This allows you to understand the correlation between your actions and helps you make informed decisions rather than shooting in the dark. This will help you identify and overcome the challenges in the performance and growth of your business.

User Experience

Positive user experience (UX) is pivotal in the success of your website. Algorithms from search engines such as Google have learned to identify the difference between a good and bad user experience. 

Besides content, a simplified navigation for your website with SEO friendly layouts are very important. Fast website load speed with mobile responsiveness among others, can be leveraged to support user experience. This will not only keep a user hooked but get the attention of search engine robots as well.

Local SEO

It is an essential strategy to help small and medium sized businesses operate successfully in a specific region. Being optimized for local SEO helps target and convert more relevant customers for your business.

For example if your business is set up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia it is best to focus on the keywords that targets your customer base within the city. The benefits are huge as you are able to neutralise competitions from the big players while establishing connection with the local market.

Offers Long-Term Benefits

While it is possible to notice a few short term boosts to your website through SEO, it’s full benefits can only be enjoyed through steady progress. Consistent efforts in your SEO strategy will definitely bring long term success.

Keep looking for improvements while implementing the SEO essentials step by step. SEO that is done right will give your business a positive impact that lasts for many many years.

Increase In Social Media Following

Social media platforms can become handy in giving you a boost in the ever fierce world of marketing. Social media channels can make your content easier to share. Engagement received such as likes and comments are linked to increase in visibility.  

Social media can also provide an avenue to build a community for your biggest supporters. It will make it easier for them to receive the latest updates from your business. It should not be overlooked to improve your overall SEO and enhance your brand’s reputation.

It Complements Other Marketing Strategies

Brands that combined SEO with targeted paid ads reportedly saw a 50% increase in traffic for their websites. This shows that SEO works well with other outreach methods such as public relations, social media management or paid adverts and is extremely beneficial. 

Comparing and analyzing data from your marketing strategies will give more insight into your customers search habits. Linking them can provide you with a powerful weapon to position you in dominating your industry.


Hence, developing your brand’s online presence requires proper planning and execution. Engaging an experienced SEO expert will help position your business for growth. While a novice may overcomplicate SEO, an expert will be able to implement the essential processes.  With patience you will be able to experience powerful results.

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