7 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health

We are sure you’re also wondering how to better care for your mental health and wellbeing. So, let this article help you with the 7 tips.

If you’re reading this article, I’m sure you’re also wondering how to better care for your mental health and wellbeing. So, let this article help you with the 7 tips to look after your mental wellbeing every day.

The past years have been challenging and difficult for almost all of us. Having to deal with the stress and worries during the pandemic has negatively changed our lives, especially our mental well-being. However, looking after our mental health is not something we should do if we’re feeling low and anxious. It’s actually something that we should always invest in and think about, just like what we do with our physical health.

Talk it out

Photo by Dustin Belt – Unsplash

Talking to someone you trust sounds simple, but it’s actually one of the most effective ways to deal with anxieties. Whether that’s a friend, a loved one, or a colleague- sharing your thoughts and stories with them can significantly help improve your mental health. Though this might be easier said than done, talking about your feelings allows you to deal with the burdens in your mind. Also, once you’re able to share what you’re going through with another person, you may feel much more comfortable. If you live far from home, you can still stay connected to your friends and family through phone calls and video calls using your tablets.

Take care of your physical health

Mental and physical health go hand in hand. This means that your physical health will also be maintained when you’re taken care of your physical health. Regular exercising can keep your organs (including your brain) healthy, which can also improve your mental health.

This doesn’t mean that you need to commit to a daily schedule of intensive gym sessions. Simple activities such as taking a walk, gardening, or dancing are good enough to keep your body and mind active. Make sure that you’re spending at least 30 minutes/day exercising.

Taking care of your physical health also means paying attention to what you’re eating. A healthy and balanced diet can significantly improve your mental health. Nutritious foods and different sources of nutrition should be incorporated into your meals. Your attitude towards food can also indicate whether you have a healthy diet. Try your best to enjoy your meals, avoid obsessing over what you’re eating, and most importantly, don’t skip meals.

7 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health
Source: pexels.com/@Trang Doan

Invest in your hobbies

Hobbies are activities that bring you joy and excitement. That’s why continuing to invest in your hobbies can lift up your mood, which helps with improving your mental well-being. Think back to the things you used to enjoy doing; it can be exploring new music, trying out new baking recipes, reading a new sci-fi book, or watching a Netflix series. Once you have the answer, start investing more time and effort to keep those hobbies as a daily activity.

Don’t rely on harmful substances

Harmful substances are always a bad idea. While drugs and alcohol may help you cope with your feelings instantly, they can result in serious consequences in the long term. Relying on the use of drugs and alcohol will affect your mental health and put your physical health at risk. So, drugs and alcohol shouldn’t be your solution to cope with mental well-being.

Relax your mind 

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

It’s important for you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings while trying to relax your mind. Though it’s not always easy to do that, some helpful practices can help you quiet your mind. Help free yourself from unhelpful thoughts by trying mindfulness practices and meditation. They are mental activities that focus on relaxing your body and mind.

Mindfulness practices and meditation are proven to help people maintain positivity by reducing stress and enhancing mental wellbeing. So, you can start by having your me-time, enjoying the fresh air at home with an air purifier, lighting up your favorite scented candles, doing some stretches, and meditating.

Ask for help when you need it

If you feel like you cannot cope with stress alone, the best thing for you to do is to seek help from others. Call your local mental health hotline or get in touch with a counselor or doctor to receive the professional help you need. It’s important to remember that professional treatments are effective, and they do help you recover from mental illnesses. So, trust the local authorities and seek out to them for help when you need it.

Be kind to yourself

When you’re feeling down and hopeless, it’s easy for you to be hard and blame yourself for everything that’s happened. We’re all busy living our lives but taking some time out for yourself can help you focus more on your mental health. Make sure to spend some time on a nice meal, a relaxing bath, and take good care of yourself.

Reach out

Here are some organisations that can help you out if you need help.

Call 03-76272929

Skype (BefKL Skype1)
[email protected]

Talian Kasih
Call 15999

Women’s Aid Organisation
Whatsapp 018-988 8058

Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services (CPCS)

SOLS 24/7
Whatsapp 018-664 0247
[email protected]

Malaysian Mental Health Association
Call 03-2780 6803
[email protected]


It’s never too late to start taking care of your mental health. Try out these tips now to see which ones are most effective for you. If you find this article helpful, make sure to share it with people that might need it!

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