The hanging of Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers

On August 1, 1985, Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers were sentenced to death for drug trafficking. They were hanged at Pudu Prison on July 7, 1986.

Two Australians, Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers found guilty of trafficking drugs and sentenced to death on August 1, 1985.

The presiding judge found that by their admissions, Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers had arrived, stayed, and were leaving together with illicit narcotics in their joint possession.

Therefore, both had a common purpose of trafficking drugs. 

Barlow and Chambers were found guilty of trafficking drugs and sentenced to death on August 1, 1985.

However, they petitioned the decision but the Kuala Lumpur Federal Court dismissed their appeal.

The hanging of Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers took place on July 7, 1986, at Pudu Prison.

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Since the introduction of the death sentence in 1975, thirty-five met their fate at the gallows.

Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers were the first foreigners on Malaysian soil for drug trafficking.

On November 17, 2020, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution calling for a moratorium on capital punishment.

Malaysia was one of the countries that supported the resolution.

Recently, the Malaysian government announced that it would abolish the country’s mandatory death penalty.

The policy shift will replace the mandatory death penalty with alternative sentences.

The amendment will allow judges to consider mitigating circumstances and commuting sentences concerning 11 crimes, including murder and terrorism.

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Maran Perianen

Maran Perianen is an award-winning documentary Producer and Director, and the founder of Citizen's Journal, a citizen-generated community news portal. He is also a regionally acclaimed video journalism trainer. He has assisted media and non-governmental organisations throughout Southeast Asia roll out digital content for online publications and social media