Unleash your creativity with vivo, and win cash prizes

The Vivo awards aimed to encourage mobile users to capture and share their unique stories from different perspectives with people worldwide.

Vivo Visual Creator Short Film Awards

Vivo Malaysia kickstarts the Visual Creator Short Film Awards to encourage all Malaysians to unleash their creativity using their smartphones. 

Participants can submit their videos starting today till 24 October 2022.

“The Visual Creator Short Film Awards plays an important part in realising vivo’s brand value – “Joy of Humanity”.

Vivo Visual Creator Short Film Awards
Photo: Vivo Malaysia

The awards aimed to encourage mobile users to capture and share their unique stories from different perspectives with people worldwide.

Through this competition, vivo aims to drive innovation in imaging technology while allowing more people worldwide,” said Mike Xu, CEO of vivo Malaysia. 

How to participate

Step 1: 

  1. Upload the video to social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). 
  2. Include the following hashtags: #vivoVisualCreator #OurStoryRedefined, 
  3. Tag (@) an official Vivo account (local or global Vivo account).

Step 2: 

Submit the original video file and the following details via email to [email protected] before 24 October 2022.

  1. Participant’s real name.
  2. Social media accounts, email addresses and contact numbers.
  3. Country/ Region of the participant.
  4. The background or story of the creation of the short film and any other remarks or related content.

Vivo Visual Creator Short Film Awards

There are two categories for this award. 

  1. Global Awards (five in total)
  2. Regional Awards (seven in total)

Global Awards

  (1 winner for each award, $7,000 per winner)

  • Best Film
  • Best Story
  • Best Editing
  • Best Photography
  • Best Creator

Regional Awards 

(1 winner for each region, $3,000 per winner)

  • Regional Best Film

Other Prizes

(for each Award winner)

  • Awards certificate
  • The latest Vivo X series smartphone
  • Professional comments from the jury
  • Official exposure from vivo 

The content usage from the awards includes but is not limited to display on the official website of vivo.com, on official social media accounts of vivo, and offline video exhibitions hosted or supported by vivo.

For more information about the vivo Visual Creator Short Film Awards, please visit https://www.vivo.com/my/activity/vivo-visual-creator or Vivo Malaysia’s official Facebook Page to refer to the timeline details and requirements.

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For any inquiries or to submit a press release, please send an email CJ Editor at [email protected].