Hindus celebrate Navaratri

Hindus celebrate Navaratri

The festival started on October 8 and ended on October 17, and was widely celebrated by Hindus across the world.

Hindus across the country last weekend celebrated Navaratri, which literally translates as Nine Nights in Sanskrit, a festival that spans over 10 days and nine nights.

The festival, which primarily celebrates the three Hindu godesses (Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati), ends on the 10th day which is called Vijayadashami, signifying victory over a demon.

The festival started on October 8 and ended on October 17, and was widely celebrated by Hindus across the world.

The festival is mainly separated into three days each in order to celebrate each of the three goddesses.

According to the Hindu tradition, devotees dedicate the first three days of prayers to Goddess Durga, where they will pray in order to gain strength to resist temptation. Some devotees would make a vow to discard a bad habit at the conclusion of the three-day prayers.

The following three days are dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, during which some devotees would make a vow to start a new good habit at the conclusion of the sixth day of Navaratri.

The final three days of prayers are dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, in which devotees are said to attain greater knowledge about their aatma (souls).

The final day of Vijayadashami would signify the sign of victory over the demon Mahisasura.

Many Hindus who celebrate Navaratri eat only vegetarian food during the festival, and many could be seen staying at temples till late night.

Watch the video: Navaratri at Raja Rajeswari, Tmn Sentosa, Klang | 6:10 by R Rajeswari and KS Tan