The Great Hill: Unveiling Penang Hill ‘s profound legacy

The Great Hill: A Short History of Penang Hill is a book written by Enzo Sim as part of the centenary celebrations of the Penang Hill railway.

The Great Hill: A Short History of Penang Hill

Penang Hill has become a popular destination for many visitors, but only some know about its rich history and transformation.

To educate the public about the hill’s past, Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) and Penang Institute have published a book called ‘The Great Hill: A Short History of Penang Hill’ as part of the centenary celebrations of the Penang Hill railway.

Enzo Sim, a Penang Institute staffer and the book’s author, said readers would be amazed by its stories about the hill’s transformation and profound legacy.

“As a Penangite who is highly passionate about the history of Penang, writing the remarkable history of Penang Hill, a place that I have always held dearly in my heart since childhood, was not an easy task to accomplish,” Sim said in his speech.

The Great Hill: A Short History of Penang Hill

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who launched the book, congratulated Sim on his diligent research and writing.

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“I have no doubt that this effort will spawn more aspiring writers to venture into writing about the many aspects of Penang’s history,” he said.

Chow also praised PHC and Penang Institute for creating a concise and easy-to-read book that preserves the history and heritage of Penang Hill.

The book captures the tales of Penang Hill’s transformation and profound legacy from various aspects in the form of a short, informative, and easily readable history. Sim thanked Dr Ooi Kee Beng, Cheok Lay Leng, and several others for their help and support in launching the book.

“I sincerely thank him for taking the time to edit the manuscript and to guide me in the final stages of the book,” Sim said of Dr Ooi.

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The Great Hill: A Short History of Penang Hill

Cheok Lay Leng, the PHC general manager, expressed his appreciation to Penang Institute for collaborating with PHC to realize this meaningful project.

“While plenty of books are written about the hill, this book is certainly a good addition to your shelf as it captures the essence of Penang Hill,” Cheok said.

He also announced that The Great Hill book is one of the few books PHC will publish this year in conjunction with the Penang Hills railway centenary celebration.

“If you have not followed Penang Hill’s social media accounts, I would like to take this opportunity to invite all of you to do so. Keep your eyes peeled for our next two book launches and other exciting activities,” Cheok added.

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Yalinie Mathan