Dog pounds a must

Dog pounds a must

Dogcatchers under contract from the Sepang Municipal Council will now need to have their own dog pounds to secure the continuity of their contract, the council announced recently.

During a council full board meeting recently, council president Mohd Sayuthi Bakar stated that they would revise its contract terms with dog catchers, and include the presence of dog pounds as a pre-requisite for any forthcoming contracts.

He said that such a mechanism is vital to plug the loopholes in the current system.

“Some (contractors) catch dogs, release them and later catch the same dogs again. This has caused financial loss for Majlis Perbandaran Sepang and also failed to reduce the number of stray dogs”, said Mohd. Sayuti Bakar.

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According to him, the current contractors, who are not equipped with their own dog pounds, have failed to explain how they manage their catch.

“(The contractors) claimed they have sent the dogs to Subang Jaya or Kajang’s pounds. But when we went there to check out, we were told that they never received any dog from Sepang”, continued the council president.

Stray dogs are still omnipresent in the Sepang municipality, despite the contractors records showing that 984 canines were caught in the first seven months of 2010 alone.

The contractors are paid RM40 for every dog caught.

Free aedes vaccines for Ramadan bazaar vendors

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The council is handing out free aedes vaccines for Ramadan bazaar vendors and their assistants to safe-guard their healths during the fasting month.

The vendors are encouraged to conduct business at designated Bazaar areas as the council only imposes minimal charge on booths.

Sayuthi however warned that strict action will be taken against vendors who are found to be conducting business at illegal places.