Residents, friends, and neighbours of IJM Rimbayu showcased a spirited display of community unity during the “Community Gotong Royong: Turning the Tide” event.
Organised by IJM Land in conjunction with IJM Corporate’s 40th-anniversary celebration, the event not only demonstrated a commitment to community well-being but also echoed the essence of the Make A Difference (MAD) campaign.
With a focus on the 4Rs—Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle—the event encouraged shared responsibility, community engagement, and memorable experiences among residents.
Make A Difference (MAD) campaign
As an integral part of the MAD campaign, the “Community Gotong Royong” event emphasised eco-responsibility, urging residents to actively participate in reducing, repairing, reusing, and recycling.
This initiative aligns with IJM Land’s commitment to sustainable living and creating a positive impact within their developments.
IJM Rimbayu residents took the lead in organising gotong-royong clean-ups, instilling a sense of shared responsibility for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment.
The campaign encouraged participants to bring along neighbours and friends, fostering camaraderie and expanding the reach of green initiatives.
IJM strengthening community bonds
Motivated by a collective commitment, residents enthusiastically volunteered for various tasks, enhancing the cleanliness of their neighbourhoods.
From individual family units to communal spaces like playgrounds, the effort resulted in a positive impact across developments such as Chimes, Perennia, and Swans.
The day commenced with a briefing and work delegation session, creating a sense of community even before the cleanup began.
Residents initiated the cleanup around their homes, reinforcing the concept that “home is where the heart is.” This event served as a platform for residents to evolve from neighbours to friends, forging lasting connections.
The success of “Community Gotong Royong: Turning the Tide” signifies a triumph of community engagement and eco-conscious efforts. The event not only revitalised the aesthetic appeal of IJM Rimbayu but also set the stage for ongoing community-driven initiatives.
The positive momentum from this event lays the groundwork for future projects prioritising collective action, community engagement, and a shared commitment to the well-being of residents and future generations.