AT&S bridges continents with Malaysian expansion

AT&S opens high-tech campus in Malaysia, boosting Kedah’s tech scene & creating thousands of jobs. The €1B+ investment positions Malaysia as a key player.

Photo: AT&S FB

AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has marked a significant milestone with the official opening of its campus at Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) in Kedah.

The completion of this key production plant on the campus positions AT&S Malaysia to deliver high-end Integrated Circuit (IC) Substrates for AMD’s data centre processors by the end of this year.

AT&S campus rises in Kedah within two years

Photo: AT&S FB

The new campus, situated approximately 350 kilometres north of Kuala Lumpur, was built in just over two years.

AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer expressed pride in the achievement, crediting the success to the dedication of workers and employees in Kulim.

He stated, “This is your day and also a historic day for AT&S that is worthy of a celebration. Thank you.”

Gerstenmayer highlighted the effective collaboration with Malaysian authorities, including MIDA and the management of KHTP.

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AT&S investment creates thousands of jobs

Photo: AT&S FB

The Opening Ceremony saw the Deputy Minister of International Trade & Industry, Liew Chin Tong, welcoming AT&S and acknowledging its positive impact on the local economy.

He commended the forward-looking concept of the AT&S campus, constructed to the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Austrian Ambassador to Malaysia and Brunei, Andreas Launer, regarded the opening of AT&S’s production site as a historic high point in economic cooperation between Austria and Malaysia.

AT&S Board Member and Executive Vice President for BU Microelectronics, Ingolf Schroeder, affirmed the strategic correctness of choosing Malaysia for their first Southeast Asian facility in 2021.

Photo: AT&S FB

Schroeder noted an investment of over EUR 1 billion in the AT&S Campus, creating thousands of high-tech jobs and contributing to the technology hotspot in Kedah.

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The AT&S Campus, despite recent challenges in the technology market, is viewed as a masterpiece of a successful technology company.

The AT&S Campus, inaugurated with the opening of an office building and Plant 1, will produce technology for semiconductor giant AMD.

Plant 2 is ready for operations pending improvements in the market environment for one of their main customers.

AT&S Malaysia’s production of cutting-edge IC Substrates is integral to high-performance data processors for computers, data centres, and AI infrastructure.

Serial production is set to commence later this year. The investment is viewed as a testament to Malaysia’s growing status as an international hub for the electronics and semiconductor industry, contributing to economic growth and fostering bilateral relations between Austria and Malaysia.

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