Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

OPINION: Malaysia aims for universal preschool enrolment, but challenges like funding and quality remain. Experts emphasise early education’s benefits and call for increased investment and a central governing body.

Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

Making preschool education compulsory was the aspiration of the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013-2025) to be achieved by 2020.

The target remains unmet due to challenges such as the lack of awareness of the importance of preschool education for the 4+ and 5+ age group, inaccessibility in certain geographic areas and communities, and affordability.

This was cited by the Comprehensive Review of Preschool Education in Malaysia report by the World Bank last year. 1

The value of early education

Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

Malaysian preschools have been in existence since the 1940s. Sixty-four percent of preschools are operated by multiple government agencies.

These include the Community Development Department (KEMAS) under the Ministry of National and Rural Development.

Additionally, the Department of National Unity and Integration (JPNIN) operates some preschools under the Ministry of National Unity and Social Development. 2

The remaining 36 percent of preschools are privately owned or funded by non-governmental organisations.

The importance of preschool education is indisputable based on neuro-scientific studies that highlight the impact of children’s first five years of experiences on brain development, early childhood education research findings, as well as social and economic factors. 

Are we ready for compulsory preschool?

Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

Providing quality preschool education is also crucial in meeting Sustainable Development Goal 4 that ensures inclusive and equitable quality education, and readiness for primary education.

But to make it compulsory for all children, our ecosystem must be ready for it. The key consideration is quality, rather than quantity alone. 

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The question is, do we have the funds, resources, conducive learning environments, qualified and professional teachers, and an effective and efficient governance system? 

Malaysia’s expenditure on pre-primary education of 0.15 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017 is relatively low compared to other upper-middle and high-income countries.

According to the World Bank 2023 report, this is significantly lower than the recommended 1 per cent of GDP by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Preschool funding and investment

Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

James Heckman, a Nobel Laureate in Economics, and an expert in the Economics of Human Development has suggested that early childhood education is a cost-effective strategy for economic and workforce development.

Malaysia requires a significant boost in public investment for preschool education. This need is especially crucial for marginalized communities.

Preschool education serves as an infrastructure component for economic development. It offers long-term benefits not only to the child and family but also creates positive externalities.

These benefits extend to society as a whole through the spillover effect.

Solutions and a single coordinating body

Compulsory preschool: Worthy goal needs strong foundation

The federal and state governments have the opportunity to take a more active role in addressing preschool education.

They can provide affordable and effective solutions, along with adequate resources, facilities, and qualified teaching staff in every district.

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Targeted funding can be allocated to preschools in geographically inaccessible areas or where private investment is lacking. Government initiatives to reduce socioeconomic disparities through increased preschool access must prioritise maintaining quality standards.

Having a single coordinating agency to manage the registration, governance, and monitoring of preschools in Malaysia could be a feasible solution.

The proposed agency will not just serve as a reference point on policy matters and quality assurance processes but also serve as a service hub that connects stakeholders to the relevant childcare and preschool education services.

This can prevent duplication of resources and formulate a more integrated system that encompasses all the essentials ranging from registration to training and administration. 

To make preschool education compulsory, we need a bolder and more drastic approach to tackling the preschool education issues in Malaysia.

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Passionate about education around the world, Associate Professor Dr Lydia Foong Yoke Yean is the Director of Curriculum Innovation and Development at the Centre for Future Learning, Taylor’s University. After having held various positions as an early years principal and lecturer, and as an active panellist and researcher for various ECCE topics, Dr Lydia also serves as the secretary of the Professional Development Board, ECCE Council Malaysia, and former Executive Committee member of the National Association of Early Childhood Education Malaysia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Lydia Foong

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