CAP calls for action on rampant illegal parking in Penang

CAP calls out rampant illegal parking in Penang. Survey finds cars parked in no-parking zones, blocking sidewalks, and obstructing traffic flow.

CAP calls for action on rampant illegal parking in Penang

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is urging the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Traffic Police to take immediate action against motorists who blatantly disregard parking laws.

A recent CAP survey, conducted across various roads in Penang, revealed a concerning trend of illegal parking that poses safety hazards and inconveniences for other road users.

CAP survey highlights widespread violations

CAP calls for action on rampant illegal parking in Penang

The survey, encompassing Jalan Utama, Jalan Residency, Jalan Logan, Penang Road, Market Street, Penang Street, Beach Street, and areas in Air Itam, documented numerous instances of motorists flouting parking regulations.

Vehicles were found parked in no-parking zones and haphazard locations, causing obstructions and hindering traffic flow.

“Our survey highlights a chronic issue, particularly evident near the Penang General Hospital on Jalan Residency,” said a CAP spokesperson.

“Despite clear double yellow lines, cars are routinely parked along the road, creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians and emergency vehicles.”

Limited parking exacerbates the problem

CAP calls for action on rampant illegal parking in Penang

CAP’s concerns extend beyond inconsiderate parking practices. The survey identified public parking lots where large objects like barrels, plastic chairs, and flower pots occupy valuable parking spaces.

Additionally, vehicles encroaching on pavements and bus stops further exacerbate traffic congestion and create difficulties for commuters.

CAP acknowledges the lack of parking availability, particularly in George Town, as a contributing factor to illegal parking.

This scarcity leads to frustration and ultimately, a rise in traffic congestion as drivers resort to illegal parking solutions.

CAP calls for action on rampant illegal parking in Penang

As a potential solution, CAP suggests implementing time limits in public parking lots to deter motorists from occupying spaces for prolonged periods.

In light of these pressing issues, CAP is urging the MBPP and Traffic Police to intensify enforcement efforts.

Stringent action against motorists who violate parking regulations is crucial to ensure the safety and convenience of all road users in Penang.

“Swift and robust measures are needed to address this concerning trend,” concluded the CAP spokesperson.

“Penang deserves a well-managed traffic system that prioritises the safety and well-being of pedestrians, drivers, and commuters alike.”

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