Human Values Expo

Human Values Expo

December 4th, 2010 – 27 Ngos from Johor Bahru took part in a Human Values Expo recently organized by Sathya Sai Council Malaysia, Johor.

The aim of the expo is to inspire others by sharing their initiatives for society based on the theme of Love All Serve All by indirectly promote the practice of Human Values such as Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence through inspirational value based activities.

Among the participated Ngos are Human Touch Animal Welfare Society, Soka Gakkai International, Palliative Care Association of JB, Orang Asal “Mari Kita Membaca” volunteers and others.

The Expo consists of exhibits of various good work carried out by Ngos and private organizations which has benefited the community at large such as service activities to the poor and needy, educational aids, projects in aid of wommen and children, projects to protect environment, promotes human values and animal care.

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The event officiated by YB. Dr. Robia Dato’ Hj. Kosai on behalf of the YAB Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghani Bin Othman, Menteri Besar Johor.

Video by Vijaya Kumar Rahman, Citizen Journalist

Vijay Kumar