Charity and Hungry Ghost festival in Taman Molek

Charity and Hungry Ghost festival in Taman Molek

The residents of Taman Molek, Johor Bahru gathered during the Hungry Ghost Festival celebration to raise fund through auctioning of auspicious items during the dinner celebration will be donated to selected and deserving schools and welfare organizations.

Last year, some RM120,000.00 were donated to several selected and deserving schools and charitable organizations. Since the formation of the association several years ago, more than RM900,000.00 were raised and donated out to the selected deserving schools and          welfare organisation.

Qing Zhong Yuan Festival Supporters Association of Taman Molek, Johor Bahru has been spearheading this effort for the past few years.

Video by Steven Chen & Rajandran Thaiman, Citizen Journalists.

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