The urban poor of Jinjang Utara Long House

The urban poor of Jinjang Utara Long House

20 years of broken promises by the authorities have left 6000 residents living in very dilapidated conditions at the Jinjang Utara Rumah Panjang.

Due to the rapid development of Kuala Lumpur, many squatters have been relocated here and promised affordable low cost housing.

We spoke to some residents on the condition of their houses.

With assistance from the Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor and Wilayah (Permas), residents here have been protesting for past 20 years to deaf ears.

Today, the DBKL is promising again that they will be allocated low

cost apartments nearby in three years time.  The residents are

holding this dialogue to make clear their 4 demands to the

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  1. The price of the low cost housing should be at RM35,000 and should be in an area not more than 2 km from here
  2. Obtain bank loans for all buyers irrespective of age and income
  3. While waiting for the low cost housing, they should not be relocated to another long house or low cost apartments.
  4. DBKL and the Wilayah Ministry should meet with the residents, developers and related authorities to discuss on any issue arising that may affect their housing.

Tan Kai Swee