Malaysians of reason and religion

Malaysians of reason and religion

MCCBCHST on the rights to life, liberty, human dignity and privacy for all persons: “Often, there are differences in a given subject between one religion and another in our coalition…”

Many Malaysians, faiths, beliefs and ways of life: respect / Image by xenin

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism andTaoism (MCCBCHST) is a national coalition of the named religious groups.

The MCCBCHST recognises that the norms for sexual practices within each religion, as in numerous other matters, is governed by the commandments, laws, rules and regulations and values as set and practised within each religious group. Often, there are differences in a given subject between one religion and another in our coalition.

The MCCBCHST recognises these differences, respects their practice by members of that faith, opposes any attempt to impose the norms and/or values of one upon another and have, do, and will continue to support such norms or values of any religion as long as they meet universally recognised norms of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to life, the right to personal liberty, the right to the dignity of the person and the right to privacy, and respects the equal rights of all others.
MCCBCHST is against all forms of harrassment, intimidation, threats and violent attacks on any Malaysian including those from the lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) community. Their right to personal liberty, dignity and privacy must be respected.
We also note that all Malaysians have a right to freedom of expression and can disagree with our existing laws. As long as they assemble in peace to discuss these matters, to educate and create awareness, and to seek law reform, their right to express themselves and to assemble peacefully must also be respected.
The MCCBCHST therefore condemns the hateful speech directed to members of that community to date, and the blanket ban on the Seksualiti Merdeka festival assembling peacefully in a private place to hold concerts, speeches and forums.
Daozhang Tan Hoe Chieow, AMS
President, MCCBCHST
Sardar Jagir Singh
Deputy President, MCCBCHST
Venerable Sing Kan
Vice President, MCCBCHST
Reverend Dr Thomas Philips
Vice President, MCCBCHST
Mr RS. Mohan Shan, JMW, AMK, BKM, PJK
Vice President, MCCBCHST
Mr Prematilaka KD Serisena
Hon Secretary General, MCCBCHST