Page wants government review of PPSMI

Page wants government review of PPSMI

Page handed over a memorandum to the prime minister today, urging the government to consider allowing students to opt for the PPSMI policy.


The Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (Page) handed over a memorandum to the prime minister today, urging the government to consider allowing students to opt for the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) policy.

Its chairman, Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim, said the memorandum, received by an officer at the Prime Minister’s Office, contained statements in support of the policy.

She said parents have planned to hold “picnics” in various states on Nov 12 as a show of solidarity in seeking a review of the decision to do away with the policy.

“I would like to remind them to hold these picnics peacefully,” she said.

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The PPSMI will be replaced by the policy of upholding the Malay language and strengthening the command of English next year.

– Bernama