Photo blog: Parents rally for PPSMI option

Photo blog: Parents rally for PPSMI option

To allow for Math and Science to be taught in English has been the reason almost 300 parents congregated at the Esplanade Speakers’ Square in Penang
early last sunday morning.

Almost 300 parents congregated at the Esplanade Speakers’ Square in Penang
early last Sunday morning to demand for the option of Maths and Science to be taught to their children in English.

Citizen Journalists, Lim Boo Seng and Lucia Lai, managed to capture the intense feelings felt by parents about the issue, who argued ferociously for the futures of their children. It  appears that this is one argument they intend to win.

An elderly man speaks with full conviction on the absolute need for Maths and Science to be taught in English
With hands raised high, parents and the people of Penang battle for a common future
Some look on with complete attention while parents craft the future of their children
Showing up to say YES to a common cause
A unanimous voice... A plea for a brighter globalised future
A mother demonstrating her heart-felt desire to secure a wholesome education for her children


Parents speak up
A case worth fighting for... people listen
Don't discriminate (against) my child
Children stepping up to take charge of the change in their future
From dusk to dawn we will hold strong...
We urge you to support our cause... sign our petition

We believe in Malaysia... Do this for our future


See also  Bridging tradition and modernity in Islamic education

Lucia Lai