Photoblog: Bersih concert for reform

KELANA JAYA – Konsert 8T Bersih organised by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 was held at Kelana Jaya stadium on Saturday.

‘Konsert 8T Bersih’ organised by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 was held on 13 October 2012 at Kelana Jaya stadium.

The objective of the concert was to remind the authorities about its eight demands, which they claimed had yet to be fulfilled.

The event started as early as 4.00pm and lasted till 11.30pm.

While the concert was going on, about 50 NGO stalls were set up outside the stadium.

They were there to distribute pamphlets, dispense information and sell books, cartoons, videos, t-shirts.

Entrance to the concert was by miimum donation of RM5.00.


On sale - Bersih t-shirts, Bersih cap, Bersih umbrellas


Snacks, drinks, food were on sale too to make sure the people won't go hungry.


The 'Mama Bersih' group in full support.


One of the first rock band to perform.


Ksatriya, rapper and musician from Penang.


'Dinding Kartun' (Wall of Expresssion) by Zunar and Kumpulan Kartunis Independen. Anyone artistic are welcome to draw something to express themselves.


Children from 'Mama Bersih' drawing.


Protesting against the Peaceful Assembly Act through words and signature.


The 'Kill the Bill' group came with Angry Birds balloons for sale


Screening of the movie 'Jatuh' about the late Teoh Beng Hock.


The Canto Pop group.


Ray Cheong


The supportive crowd.


Atama, from Sabah, who get the crowd to do the Sumazou dance.


Folk singer, Nik Jadin, who sang a few human rights song, notably “Get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don’t give up the fight”, which get the crowd to join in.


Republic of Brickfields


See also  CSO Platform for Reform calls for ban on foreign political funding
Pak Samad delivering a Malay poem titled 'Di Atas Padang Bersejarah' (On this historic field),


Ambiga delivering a speech calling for clean election and clean country before reading out the 8 demands.


Bersih Steering committee members on stage to sing a song on Bersih.

Lucia Lai