Unemployed man charged with drug trifficking

Unemployed man charged with drug trifficking

An unemployed man was charged at the Magistrate’s Court, here today with two counts of drug trafficking under Section
39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act.

An unemployed man was charged at the Magistrate’s Court, here today with two counts of drug trafficking under Section
39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act.

Mohd Noor Muda, 25, was charged with possessing 728 grammes of methamphetamine pills in his house at 475, Kampung Padang Palas, Kuala Bekah about 6.15 pm on Sept 6.

On the second count, he was charged with the possession of 21 grammes of heroin at the parking lot of the Giant supermarket, here at 2.45 pm the same day.

No plea was recorded from the accused, from Kampung Padang Palas, Kuala Bekah, who faces the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

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Magistrate Noradila Ab Latif fixed Nov 14 and Dec 4 respectively for remention of the two cases.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Farah Yasmin Salleh led the prosecution while the accused was unrepresented.

– Bernama