Tamparuli appeals for funds for sports complex

Tamparuli appeals for funds for sports complex

Tamparuli is appealing to the Sabah government to approve funds to continue building a sports complex.

Tamparuli is appealing to the  Sabah government to approve funds to continue building a sports complex.

State Youth and Sports Assistant Minister Jahid Jahim, who is Tamparuli State Assemblyman, said yesterday that a new site has been identified to replace the flood-prone original site.

“In fact, nearly RM15 million had been approved for a sports complex about ten years ago of which only RM1.5 million has been spent,” he told reporters at his Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house.

The event was also attended by Chief Minister Musa Aman. Jahid also said that Tamparuli is also striving to become a destination for paragliding enthusiasts.

He said Tamparuli has a 1,000 meter high hill known as Bukit Ruhiang, which is popular among paragliding fans.

– Bernama