Cooking and baking with the community

Cooking and baking with the community

A cooking and baking community project held in Johor recently invoked not only taste buds, but also taught its participants and some cooking and baking techniques.

A cooking and baking community project held in Johor recently invoked not only taste buds, but also taught its participants and some cooking and baking techniques.

The project, which was organized by the Rotary Centennial of Johor along with Lam Soon Edible Oils Snd Bhd, was also attended by members from Canhope Support Group and the Breast Cancer Support Group.

During the baking and cooking session, chef Ronniel Yoon made his pastries using Lam Soon’s own in-house products.

“In a way it allows our customers to get to know us better and they could also learn some cooking techniques. It gives us a better customer interaction, and from what I saw, we have received a very positive response,” said Lam Soon’s group product manager Alex Poon.

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“We hope with the knowledge that the guests have learned today, they would use it in a way where they could give back to the society,” said Rotary Centennial’s Fancy Tan.

“This program fosters the spirit of community among us and also helps us to bond and interact better among each other,” said Lydia Chong from the Canhope Support Group Member.


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Christine Leong

Christine Leong is a Citizen Journalist and she is active in community work in Johor Bahru.