Lover turns villain after receiving nude photo from girlfriend

KUALA LUMPUR – The plan of a 53-year old divorcee of sending a nude photo of herself to her new lover had gone terriblely wrong ending up in an online dating scam which extorted her for money.


The plan of a 53-year old divorcee of sending a nude photo of herself to her new lover had gone terribly wrong ending up in an online dating scam which extorted her for money.

“He said that he will exhibit my naked photo unless I paid him US$5,000 (RM16, 000),” said Chew.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong said that she was introduced to a social dating website last month where few of her friends had discovered new partners.

She had then become familiar with a man named Benjamin Federico, a 54-year old Canadian vet.

He had told her he had a savings of USD174, 000 (RM558, 000) and would meet her in Malaysia in August to bring her back to Canada to be wed.

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At that moment, he had asked for her nude photo. She agreed and sent it.

“He declined to give his because apparently it was against his religion and family beliefs,” she said.

She was unhappy with the response and had suspected something suspicious so decided to end the relationship last Saturday.

“He had started to blackmail me using the picture and also demanded compensation for breaking up with him,” Chew said.

With help from Chong, she lodged a report with Ampang Jaya police on Monday night.
She also complained to the dating site, which has since removed Federico’s profile.
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Kavinesh Moghan