Developer attempts to demolish PSJ1 longhouses despite stop-work order

Developer attempts to demolish PSJ1 longhouses despite stop-work order

Peter’s Brickworks Sdn Bhd, the developer of what is fast becoming known as the PJS1 longhouse condominium, attempted to enforce its court order on the residents today but was thwarted by MBPJ.

Despite the stop-work order issued against it by the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) yesterday, Peter’s Brickworks Sdn Bhd, the developer of what is becoming known as the PJS1 longhouse condominium, arrived at the location this morning seeking to demolish two longhouses.

A standoff occurred between MBPJ councillor Latheefa Koya and court bailiff Nurul Asma Hairi, and the former rushed to apply for a stay order from the court.

Latheefa and a few residents left for the Shah Alam High Court at about 12.30pm after Nurul Asma insisted that residents from the two longhouses must vacate their homes as stated in a court order made in favour of the developer in December last year.

Latheefa, however, argued that the Selangor state government ,through MBPJ, had issued a stop-work order on the developer yesterday, which essentially prevents any form of construction works from developer, including demolition, and that the developer could only evict the residents.n

“We can’t allow our stop-work order to be breached,” she said. Also present were Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) secretary general, S. Arutchelvan, Taman Medan assemblywoman, Haniza Talha, and the residents.

Nurul Asma, however, stressed that she could only defer the eviction order if residents managed to show her a stay order from the court.

“The eviction notice already expired yesterday; there is no compromise in executing the court order, otherwise it will be in contempt of the court,” she said, accompanied by the a lawyer acting for Peter’s Brickworks.

Both parties then agreed to resolve the impasse at the Shah Alam High Court after half-an-hour of debate had failed to produce a clear winner. Latheefa finally obtained a court order later this evening, postponing the eviction and demolition to this Friday afternoon.

Earlier, more than 50 people from Parti Sosialis Malaysia, Lawyers for Liberty, Keadilan, PAS and Bukit Jalil Estate residents, had gathered in front of the longhouses in solidarity with the residents.

Residents put up banners on a fence around the land, some of which read, “(developer) Peter is cruel”, “stop the demolition” and “where are our houses”.

Block E Buyers Action Committee chairman, M Sugumaran, reiterated that the residents will only move out if the Selangor government and developer agreed to foot the rent of their temporary homes and bank interests borne by residents for the delay in the completion of their low-cost flats.

“We want an assurance in black and white,” Sugumaran said in a statement.

The residents were relocated from Kampung Muniandi under the previous state government’s zero-squatter policy in 2000, and accommodated in the temporary longhouses situated at both sides of SJK (C) Yuk Chyun.

The developer wants to vacate the land to the left of SJK (C) Yuk Chyun to make way for a condominium project, while the land to the right of SJK (C) Yuk Chyun was earmarked for a school.

Latheefa said the state government would be urged to reassure the residents of their claims by putting them in black and white, so that they can move out safe in the knowledge these would be met.

A meeting will be held between the residents, developer and the Selangor state government on Thursday.