Hundreds participate in Corpus Christi Sunday procession in George Town

GEORGE TOWN – The procession was made possible through the effort of City Parish, Penang, who organised a mass procession in conjunction with the feast.

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Hundreds of people participated in a procession in George Town on Sunday in honour of Corpus Christi Sunday, which Catholics devote to honouring Jesus and the blessed sacrament.

The procession was made possible through the effort of City Parish, Penang, who organized a mass procession in conjunction with the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

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The Mass was held at the Assumption Church, where parish priest, Father Nelson Chitty was the main celebrant. The other priests present were Emeritus Bishop Antony Selvanayagam, Msgr Bernard Paul, Father Michael Thoo, Father Julien Leow and Father Edmund Woon.

The mass ended with the Blessed Sacrament being transferred to a brightly decorated lorry for the candle-light procession. The procession wound through Farquhar Street (where Assumption church is situated), the busy Penang Road, Burmah Road, Macalister Lane and ended at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Macalister Road.

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Altar servers carried cross and incense, lead the procession, throughout the 2km distance, while people carried lit candles and sang songs throughout the journey.

Three stops were made along the route for veneration. The people knelt down on the road in respect and reverence, as the Blessed Sacrament was lifted high up, amidst thick incense of smoke.

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When the Blessed Sacrament reached the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows at Macalister Road, Father Nelson carried it solemnly into the church and Benediction followed inside the church.

The celebration ended with dinner being served to all at the church compound.

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Lucia Lai