Additional public holiday due to Raya, Merdeka overlap

Additional public holiday due to Raya, Merdeka overlap

The government has decided to declare an additional public holiday this year in view of a possible overlap of one of two Aidilfitri public holidays with the National Day public holiday on Aug 31.

The government has decided to declare an additional public holiday this year
in view of a possible overlap of one of two Aidilfitri public holidays with
the National Day public holiday on Aug 31.

Chief secretary to the government Mohd Sidek Hassan said today the date of
the additional public holiday would be subject to the setting of the
Aidilfitri dates by the Conference of Rulers.

If the first day of Aidilfitri fell on Tuesday Aug 30 and the second day
coincided with National Day on Wednesday Aug 31, then Thursday Sept 1 would
be declared as the additional public holiday, he said in a statement.

If the first day of Aidilfitri fell on Wednesday Aug 31 and coincided with
National Day and the second day fell on Thursday Sept 1, then Friday Sept 2
would be declared as the additional public holiday, he added.

Mohd Sidek said the additional public holiday for peninsular Malaysia and
the Federal Territory of Labuan was gazetted under section 8 of the Holidays
Act 1951.

“The state governments of Sabah and Sarawak are in the process of gazetting
the additional public holiday under section 9 of the Holidays Ordinance of
Sabah and section 5 of the Public Holidays Ordinance of Sarawak,
respectively,” he said.

Mohd Sidek said it was hoped that the announcement would avoid confusion
among the people over those public holidays and facilitate early
preparations to celebrate Aidilfitri and National Day.

– Bernama