TEDx: Going back to the basics of entrepreneurship

TEDx: Going back to the basics of entrepreneurship

Ideas and inspiring stories related to ethics and social responsibility will be dollied out this weekend, as one of the famous Technology and Entertainment Design (TED) conferences will be held in Shah Alam.

Ideas and inspiring stories related to ethics and social responsibility will be dolled out this weekend, as one of the famous Technology and Entertainment Design (TED) conferences will be held in Shah Alam.

To be held at the Digi Centre at the Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park, the conference feature talks by some luminous corporate individuals, including Basis Bay Chief Technology Officer Praba Thiagarajah and CETDEM chairperson Gurmit Singh.

Running with the theme “Back to basics- Ethics, Social Responsibility, or Passion”, this event will focus on the various work being done in an attempt to shift Malaysia to become a more socially ethical nation, filled with inspiring stories- which is a TED trademark.

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Visitors are allowed enter with a minimum contribution of RM30.

TED is a worldwide cluster of conferences owned by the non-profit Sapling Foundation.

DIGI along with social responsibility company MyKhatulistwa Sdn Bhd and Malaysia Entrepreneurs, an organization for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Malaysia, are organizing this particular event.

Details of the event:

Date: 14th May 2011

Venue: Digi Centre, Lot 10, Jalan Delima 1/1, Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 40000 Shah Alam.