ENGAGE seeks donations after 1MDB defamation ruling

ENGAGE expresses disappointment over Federal Court’s rejection of Clare Rewcastle-Brown’s appeal, raising concerns for investigative journalism

ENGAGE, a Malaysian NGO advocating for democratic reforms, has expressed its profound disappointment with the Federal Court’s decision to reject investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle-Brown’s appeal to overturn a RM300,000 defamation award to the Sultanah of Terengganu. This ruling stems from a defamation lawsuit over a mistaken identity in her book, a mistake that was later corrected and did not imply wrongdoing by the Sultanah.

Impact on investigative journalism

ENGAGE emphasized that the court’s decision sends a troubling message to investigative journalists in Malaysia, particularly those working to expose corruption. “This decision in finding Clare liable for defamation over a mistaken identity error that had been corrected and that does not imply any wrongdoing on the Sultanah, sends a chilling message to investigative journalists who exposes corruption that they will not be protected in Malaysia,” ENGAGE said in a press statement.

Clare Rewcastle-Brown, known for her pivotal role in uncovering the 1MDB scandal, is now required to pay RM300,000 in damages along with additional costs and taxes. Two Malaysian publishers, Gerakbudaya and Vinlee Press, who published her book The Sarawak Report: The Inside Story of the 1MDB Exposé, are also held liable. The total amount they now owe, including damages, costs, and incidentals, stands at RM455,400.

Fundraising appeal for shortfall

In response to the ruling, ENGAGE launched a fundraising campaign to help Clare and the two local businesses meet the financial burden. As of now, RM305,667 has been raised in the UK and through ENGAGE’s Freedom Fund 2.0. However, a shortfall of RM150,000 remains.

“On behalf of Clare and the two local businesses, we want to appeal again to the Malaysian public to show our solidarity with them and to express our gratitude to their bravery in exposing the 1MDB scandal.” ENGAGE said. The NGO also extended gratitude to those who have already donated, emphasizing that without Clare’s tireless work, the 1MDB scandal would not have been exposed, nor would former Prime Minister Najib Razak be serving time in prison today.

Clare’s role in the 1MDB scandal exposé

Rewcastle-Brown’s investigative work was instrumental in exposing the 1MDB financial scandal, which involved the fraudulent misappropriation of US$4.5 billion by fugitive financier Jho Low and convicted former Prime Minister Najib Razak. Her revelations led to the eventual downfall of Najib’s administration and his subsequent imprisonment.

ENGAGE reiterated the critical importance of protecting investigative journalism, stating, “This would never have happened without Clare’s work.” The NGO urged the public to recognize the significance of this ruling for the future of free press and whistleblowers in Malaysia.

How to contribute

ENGAGE has provided details for those wishing to contribute to the fund for Clare, Gerakbudaya, and Vinlee Press. Donations can be made to the ENGAGE Citizen Network’s Maybank account (Account number: 5512 7609 7331) under the reference “Clare.” Donors are encouraged to verify details via Clare’s blog and the ENGAGE Facebook page, which will provide regular updates on the collection status.

“We thank all who have donated previously and those who will donate this time,” the NGO stated, adding that Clare has also posted a video message on ENGAGE’s Facebook page expressing her gratitude for the continued support.

For more details and verification of the fundraising efforts, ENGAGE urges the public to visit Clare Rewcastle-Brown’s blog and ENGAGE’s official channels.

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Jimmy Tan

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