Photoblog: Coolest cosplayers in town

KUALA LUMPUR – The debut of the star-studded Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 (AFA MY) saw thousands of fans of anime and Japanese pop culture turned out on recently at PWTC.

The debut of the star-studded Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 (AFA MY) saw thousands of fans of anime and Japanese pop culture turned out on June 9-10 at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

The halls were filled up with many fans who bring anime to life by dressing up in amazing costumes and accessories portraying their favourite anime characters.

They showed off their costumes and entertained the crowd for fun and posed for you and smiled at your cameras.

Here are some pics of the cosplayers and the AFA stars from the event.

Visitors taking pictures of the cosplayers during the Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 at the Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
The inaugural Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 draws in big crowd at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
Cosplayers in colourful costumes portraying various characters from the anime series "One Piece".
Anime fans came together to showcase their creativity in replicating their favourite characters.
Attention-grapping cosplayers in their awesome costumes.
Female cosplayers that mix hot with striking.
A cosplayer clad in thick armour portrays the character Tadakatsu Honda from the anime series Sengoku Basara.
Cosplayers decked with heavy weaponry.
Attention-grapping cosplayers showcase their elaborate and colourful costumes.
Asyraf Jamal, a 19-year old first-year TESL diploma student at Kolej Poli-Tech Mara cosplays as Shu Ouma, a character from anime video series Guilty Crown.
Watch out! These soldiers are fully equipped and ready to wage war.
People cosplay because they like to dress as an anime character and having fun.
The cosplayers of Seirin High School Basketball Team.
A white ghost cosplayer with her face covered with dangling white papers.
This cosplayer is the cutest of all!
The lady fighter and the green creature from League of Legends.
Rushen Sharma who works in a legal firm in KL cosplays the character Kiro, a black magician who likes to play card games just like him.
Kaonashi from the movie "Spirited Away".
A beautiful cosplay penguin.
AFA's cosplay ambassador Kaname (left) with SP Cats cosplay team members Tasha (centre) and Miyuko (right).
Celebrity cosplayer Kaname receives rousing welcome from his wave of fans and visitors at Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012.
Kaname playing the guitar for his fans.
AFA MY's stage host Danny Choo, a well-known and respected blogger of Japanese pop-culture taking pictures of cosplayers at the event.
The mini figurine of Mirai Suenaga on Danny Choo's glasses.
The waitresses in French maid costumes ready to serve you at Moe Moe Kyun Maid Cafe.
A waitress at the Moe Moe Kyun Maid Cafe delights customers with the warmest hospitality.
At Atelier Royale Butler Cafe, the charming and handsome waiters get down on one knee to serve customers.



See also  Japanese Cinema Mini Showcase highlights four iconic film selections
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Thomas Tan

Thomas Tan joined CJMY in 2011. At the second annual conference in Johor Bahru, he received the 'Best Article 2011' Award. To date, he has published over 1,000 articles on community events and various topics.