Recycling into art for charity

PENANG – Penang Green Council and The One Academy Penang are organising the Creative 3R Design Award and Auction 2012.

Don’t throw away your used aluminum cans or old newspaper. Who knows, they might fetch you RM5000.00 if you are creative enough.

That’s the grand prize amount you will get if you participate in the first ever Charity Auction for Recycling Arts in Malaysia, and emerged as the winner.

In a Press Statement dated July 17, 2012 the organizing chairperson of Penang Green Expo 2012 and ADUN Tanjung Bungah Teh Yee Cheu, informed that the Penang Green Council and The One Academy Penang are organising a ‘Creative 3R Design Award and Auction 2012’.

Designers from all over the country can put to good use their talent and creativity by using recyclable materials to produce decorative and useful artworks/craft-works.

The contest is open to all Malaysian citizens. The objectives are to promote Zero Waste and 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) concepts through healthy and fair competition; and to provide a green platform for designers to share their creativity by using recyclable materials.

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The artworks/craftworks of the top 20 finalists will be exhibited at The One Academy Penang and also during the Penang Green Expo 2012, which will be held on September 22-23, 2012. Out of these 20 finalists, one will emerge as the overall winner and received RM5000.00.

Teh said that the organiser will conduct an auction of the art-pieces created by the Top 20 finalists.

The designers will determine the reserve price for the art-piece that they have created. Reserve price will be given back to the designers.

“Proceed from the sale (hammer price) of art-pieces swill be donated to the Penang Hard Core Poverty Eradication Programme Funds. We welcome entrepreneurs, hotels, banks, industries, developers and artworks/craftworks collectors to take part in the auction and make your bids at the auction.” Teh said.

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The Charity Auction for Recycling Arts  is one of the eight highlighted activities in the Penang Green Expo 2012, (theme: “Conserving for Tomorrow”), which will be held on 22 – 23 Sept 2012, 10am-6pm atPISA.

Teh Yee Cheu

Teh continued, “This is the first time that Penang is promoting Zero Waste and 3Rs through professional designing and auction activities. We hope that through the creativity and skills of designers, waste or trash can be turned into useful resources for valuable artworks/craftworks creation that attract buyers.”

Deadline for submission of the art-pieces is August 15, 2012. For further information, please visit the Penang Green Council website or contact Alex Ng at 04-2103003 or Ms Sim at 04- 6505112.

Related article:

PenangGreen Expo for Conserving Tomorrow

Lucia Lai