Edunation: Free tuition for every Malaysian child

Petaling Jaya – Edunation aims to put the core subjects of the Malaysian school syllabus onlline for free access by every Malaysian child. [VIDEO]

Edmond Yap, the co founder of Edunation at the Go Live Launch.,  a private education portal which aims to provide every Malaysia child with free tuition held its Go-Live Launch at the VSQ, PJ City Centre on April 1st, 2013.

The highlight of the launch is the signing up to be volunteer tutors by four Malaysian celebrities, namely Asian supermodel Amber Chia, Malaysian actress Carmen Soo, International singer David Arumugam and members of the Rap group Ntahsape2Ntah.

L to R: Members of NSSN, Amber Chia, Carmen Soo, Raja Singham and Edmond Yap.

Speaking at the launch, co founder of Edunation, Edmond Yap said that the online portal’s mission is to put the core subjects of the Malaysian school syllabus online.

Students coming to Edunation’s portal may also be able to test their knowledge by taking the online assessment tests and interact with the relevant volunteer tutors.

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“And they can do it for free, so that education becomes accessible to everyone,  allowing every Malaysian citizen to help any child in need anywhere in Malaysia and allowing every Malaysian student access to learning materials absolutely free.”

Edmond also appealed for volunteer tutors  to join the program saying “ You will become a part of a groundbreaking technological revolution in learning.”

Raja Singham, co founder of Edunation.

Amongst the many speakers at the launch are Raja Singham co-founder of Edunation and Sugain the education head of Edunation.

Invited guests and volunteers at the Edunation Go Live Launch.

Tan Kai Swee