Cancerlink Penang: Moving forward with courage

PENANG – Cancerlink creates a safe avenue for survivors to socialise in order for the patients to take their minds off the harrowing reality of cancer.

Self introductory sessions create a bond between survivors.

Ruth Chong, the founder and chief coordinator of Cancerlink Penang started the movement in 1997 and has been actively involved in conducting cancer awareness talks, free medical check-ups by consultants and gatherings of ex-patients with their families.

The centre provides free accommodation and transport for patients having chemotherapy in hospitals.

Other activities include Qi-Gong exercises every Tuesdays and Fridays from 8 to 9.30pm, Dragon Boat Paddling and Laughter Therapy together with exercises every Sunday 4pm-6pm.

Chong said that due to many recurrent cases among young adults and due to low self-esteem, she had to think of a way to create a safe avenue for them to socialise in order for the patients to take their minds off the harrowing reality of cancer.

Cancerlink Penang has managed to run on its own financially, depending entirely on donations and public transport.

Dorcas, 31, a cancer survivor told Citizen Journalists Malaysia that when she was diagnosed with breast cancer some 3 years ago , the trauma which she went through was beyond imagination, but was fortunate to come across Cancerlink Penang.

She was grateful to have met Ruth Chong who was walking alongside her throughout her multiple treatment.

Having gone through so much, Dorcas realized one must be happy, learn how to appreciate life and be contended with what one has.

One has to forgive, cherish and love one another and by doing that, one is helping  the body to rejuvenate healthy cells on a daily basis.

Floor Exercise with survivors and volunteers.
Group meditation as part of the healing process.
The intimacy and bond of friendship creates inherent healing.

Goh Siew Mei