PTPTN will review tuition fees proposal

PTPTN will review tuition fees proposal

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) will review its proposal to disburse only tuition fees starting 2013.

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) will review its proposal to disburse only tuition fees starting 2013.

“PTPTN will consider all aspects when reviewing the proposal,” chairman Ismail Mohamed Said told a press conference at parliament lobby today.

He said the proposal will be scrutinised by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) before presented to the Cabinet for consideration.

“If approved by MOHE, PTPTN will only disburse tuition fees and not daily expenses to students.

“We are aware this will have direct impact on poor students as it involves the use of SSPN funds.”

Ismail said the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) launched in July by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was to encourage a savings culture among parents.

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“The purpose is to fund education where PTPTN will encourage savings via implementation of the scheme to be made compulsory starting next year.”

He said corporate agencies would be encouraged to provide endowment to aid students pursue higher education.

“Such financial aid has been implemented on institutes of higher learning and students but with PTPTN involvement, we hope it can become a culture among corporate agencies,” he added.

The agencies could contribute endowment directly to students, via public institutes of higher learning (IPTA), private institutes of higher learning (IPTS) or PTPTN which will distribute them to qualified students.

– Bernama