Gerakan wants ‘Universtiy and University College Act’ abolished

Gerakan wants ‘Universtiy and University College Act’ abolished

Statement: Gerakan wants the government to abolish the Universtiy and University College Act (UUCA) 1971 (sic), in consonance with changing trends and democracy and replace it with one giving greater freedom to students.

By Gerakan Vice President,’ Mah Siew Keong

Gerakan wants the government to abolish the Universtiy and University College Act (UUCA) 1971, in consonance with changing trends and democracy and replace it with one giving greater freedom to students. The government shown great courage in repealing the ISA, therefore now is also the time to replace the UUCA.

Gerakan Vice President Mah Siew Keong said present day students should be groomed to compete globally with other overseas students on equal terms and footing in all aspects.

He said it was very important for university students to be exposed to current affairs besides their studies as they would need to know the happenings in the society and country.

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“The government should give more freedom and space to our university students to speak up their views. As our educated youths, they should be given more freedom of expression and to participate in the democratic processes,” said Mah in a statement.

Mah Siew Keong said that over the years, Gerakan has been requesting the government to amend the UUCA to allow greater freedom to university students.

He reiterated that the younger generation should be groomed to play more important roles in nation- building.

“They are matured and should know their responsibility in their speech and action.”

“They should be allowed to organise more multi-cultural programmes as an integration path towards nation-building.” said Mah.

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Mah recalled that when he was Gerakan Youth chief several years ago, he had called on the government to expedite the review of UUCA, 1971.

Then he had specifically requested that Section 15 and 16 should be amended to give greater freedom for students to participate in campus activities.